On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 12:13:23AM -0400, Paul Coccoli wrote:
> On 5/22/06, Joel Roth <joelz@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> >On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 10:34:52PM -0400, Paul Coccoli wrote:
> >> How do you add a second chain in ecasound in interactive mode? I can
> >> create one chain that reads a file for input and outputs to jack, but
> >> if I try to add another chain I get the following:
> >>
> >[trials and errors snipped]
> >> Hmm. If a chain MUST have one valid input and output, but inputs and
> >> outputs need to be connected to a chain, THEN ITS A PARADOX AND MY
> >>
> >> Seriously, I'm tryin the most basic thing in the world and I can't do
> >> it. Maybe it's just too late at night...
> >
> >I sympathize. You are not alone! Troubles of this nature are
> >what prompted me to write a front end to Ecasound. There are
> >now three GUI Ecasound interfaces: Tkeca, Visecas and Ecmd,
> >and three scripting interfaces: Audio::Ecasound (perl),
> >pyecas (python) and an elisp interface for Emacs.
> >
> I'm kicking around some ideas for yet another frontend, since none
> them seem to do what I want.
Wait a minute! Did you have a look at the one __i__ wrote,
and of which am so paternally fond??
Also, while we're here, what exactly _do_ you want?
Does everyone need to write their own front end
to Ecasound?
A lot people must be very itchy to be scratching that much.
> I'm not sure if ecasound is the right
> backend, though.
How many multichannel recording solutions are there?
Ardour is the full-featured one; easy to install
now with precompiled packages available.
It doesn't need a front end or a backend, having
all of them and a kitchen sink thrown in for
good measure.
-- Joel RothReceived on Thu May 25 16:15:06 2006
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