garbage in, garbage out; sometimes it's a hard learned
lesson. if cutting 300hz and below is causing the loss
of hum and speech then it must be a real bad
recording. i've used the Rezound arbitrary fir filter
to remove air conditioner fans from the U.S. national
turkey and owl callers conferance. of course filtering
is filtering and...
--- Alex Polite <notmyprivateemail@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Thanks for all the input.
> I did some experimentation with jamin. Cutting of
> everything below 300
> Hz sure helped alot. But the harmonics went right
> through the speech
> spectrum so canceling them all out pretty much meant
> canceling the
> speech out as well.
> I found freqtweak and hooked that up. It did
> produce a very beautiful
> spectrogram but it didn't solve my problem.
> I need something smarter. Something that will 1)
> take a few seconds
> of audio when there's no speech (only hum) and treat
> that as a
> baseline. 2) Reduce the frequencies all over by that
> baseline.
> In effect analyzing the tool would look at the hum
> and create a filter
> that matches it exactly. I guess there's a word for
> that?
> alex
> --
> Alex Polite
> - finding the right open source
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