Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Digital mixer suggestions

From: Ismael Valladolid Torres <ivalladolidt@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 15 2006 - 18:47:35 EEST

Carlo Capocasa escribe:
> If you have a lot of analogue gear you need to be proficient in music,
> digital engineering AND analogue engineering, so I try to at least limit
> myself to two fields and let the technology be smart as far as the
> analogue chain goes.

It's always worth asking oneself, which part of the experience is the
one I fancy?

I enjoy starting songs, starting to put musical pieces together. I
don't bother myself finishing a song. I've never used mastering
software. Moreover my brother is the opposite, he needs to have things
finished in a couple of hours because what he enjoys is sharing it
with friends.

I understand perfectly you only find comfortable having an analog
chain as small as posible so you can center yourself in what's
happening inside the computer. Others we enjoy grooveboxes. :)

Indeed this is what's nice about Linux audio, extends freedom, further
away from where freedom reached during first years of electronic
musical production, which wasn't precisely "near".

Cordially, Ismael

 Ismael Valladolid Torres        OpenPGP key ID: 0xDE721AF4
                                      Jabber ID: ivalladt@email-addr-hidden  ~When I grow up I will go there~
Received on Thu Jun 15 20:15:13 2006

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