[linux-audio-user] Re: Triggering Hydrogen patterns with keys

From: Loki Davison <loki.davison@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 28 2006 - 16:13:22 EEST

On 8/28/06, juuso.alasuutari@email-addr-hidden
<juuso.alasuutari@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Greetings, list. So far while playing with Hydrogen I've found out that:
> 1) I can set JACK transport off and program Hydrogen from a sequencer
> (trigger
> drum hits in the piano roll), but it's unclear to me if Hydrogen is then
> performing in realtime mode (from JACK's point of view) or not. Is it?
> This feature is nice, but I like Hydrogen's pattern editor much more than
> any
> sequencer's piano/drum roll.
> 2) I can leave JACK transport on, in which case Hydrogen will play its song
> score completely synced with the sequencer score. (If I start the sequencer
> from 1:01, Hydrogen will start from 1:01, and so on.)
> This is cool, but I don't want to compose two different scores to create
> one
> song.
> My question is: Can I simply create patterns in Hydrogen and map those to
> keys,
> so that I could trigger patterns in the sequencer's piano roll? I'd love the
> ability to start and stop any pattern at any point just by pressing and
> releasing a key, and having it all in perfect JACK sync of course.
> Please tell me this is possible! And if it's not, well, I guess the
> developers
> can take this as a hint... :)
> Best wishes,
> Juuso Alasuutari
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This mail sent through L-secure: http://www.l-secure.net/

Have you tried seq24? It's a sequencer that is very very nice for
pattern based stuff. Though if you prefer the in built hydrogen
pattern editor it doesn't help. Seq24 is very nice for this kind of
stuff though.


new versions seem to be coming out at a rapid pace recently, big
cheers to rob buse!

Received on Mon Aug 28 16:15:07 2006

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