Dave Phillips hat gesagt: // Dave Phillips wrote:
> While Frank is certainly correct, I'm still going to bitch about the
> fact that I'd have to use Pd for such a minor function. It's like
> driving my car across the street to get milk, it's too much tool for the
> job.
I wouldn't compare this to using the car to get milk but more to
having a swiss knife ready for small tasks by learning at least one
"scripting language for music" like Pd, SC or maybe Python etc. Then
instead of having to search the net to find a ready-made tool for a
very specific problem, you would just write a little tool yourself in
a couple of minutes and could get on with the real work.
I'd consider learning C for much more like driving a car to get milk. ;)
-- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__Received on Tue Sep 26 16:15:06 2006
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