On Tue, 3 Oct 2006 21:26:20 +0300
Juhana Sadeharju <kouhia@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hello. I requested this months if not years ago. Could anyone play
> all presets of Bristol/ZynAddSubFx/Juno and similar software synths to
> a flac/ogg/mp3 file?
> Or, for a start, could anyone generate a MIDI file which goes through
> all presets and plays something simple? Can MIDI data be used to change
> the instrument over all presets sequentially from 1 to N?
> If not, I may write an OSC based program which does the same. But is
> such a program needed? Could I just write OSC commands to a file and
> feed the file to the input of the synth with existing Linux socket
> program of some sort?
> Yep, all sounds played sequentially in one audio file would be nice
> as a quick reference what sounds are available. I would like to
> do the same with commercial synths like Yamaha FM synths and analogue
> modelling synths.
> Juhana
I'm a bit confused here. I don't see how you CAN go though all the Zyn
presets - or are you really meaning the voice/patch banks?
As you can create any voices and banks of voices that you like 'All'
becomes a piece of elastic!
Also, as far as I know there is no way to get MIDI messages to change
voices, and I don't believe Paul has any intention of doing that.
-- Will J GReceived on Wed Oct 4 04:15:02 2006
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