--- Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I'm a bit confused here. I don't see how you CAN go
> though all the Zyn
> presets - or are you really meaning the voice/patch
> banks?
I guess just some general softsynth demos would do
just fine.
What I'd like to know is - how good are these soft
synths? If you go to URL below, you can hear Van
Halen's "1984" intro song that was played with
Oberheim OB-Xa. What I'd like to know is - is it
possible to play that song with software synthesizers?
I've been playing guitar since 1984 and I do not know
much about hardware synthesizers and I know even less
about software synthesizers. But I wanna learn this
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Received on Wed Oct 4 04:15:03 2006
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