enrico wrote:
> Hi all!
> In the past years I've allways been happy using Slackware for
> (professional)audio stuff,from versions 9.0 to 10.2.(never any timeconsuming
> (kernel)upgrades).Since I have bought a Acer 1690 laptop,that I usually don't
> use for audiorecording etc.,I decided to try out Kubuntu 6.06,because of the
> out of the box functionality concerning peripherals like WiFi,touchpad&wide
> screen graphics.I was able to get some of those working with Slackware ,but
> with great effort and some limitations though.To my great surprise it turned
> out that through the apt-get manager I was able to get Jack&Ardour up and
> running in no time,as where it always took me at least a day to get
> everything compiled on the good old P3/800.However,I have no idea about the
> lowest latencies I can get with it(with the shipped kernel)and if I want to
> compile things from scratch it's certainly no Slackware.
> Well,so far so good so nice!
> Just my eurocent...
> Enrico.
I'd suggest you go to http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=128
and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio to see what you can do with
(k)ubuntu. UbuntuStudio seems to be a nice project!
Received on Fri Nov 17 04:15:18 2006
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