On Sat, 2006-11-18 at 20:38 -0500, Joseph M. Gaffney wrote:
> On Saturday 18 November 2006 20:29, Thomas Vecchione wrote:
> > I'm curious, I couldn't find information on licensing on the page,
> > repeatedly they say free, but I am curious whether they mean free as in
> > open-source, or free as in beer.
> >
> > Seablade
> Good catch - this changes my opinion on things.
> Member of programming team Ykkrosh:
> "0 A.D. is (according to the current plans) going to be 'free' as in no cost,
> but not all 'Free' as in freedom (or even as in open source) (though some
> components are likely to be) - so it can't be called 'free software', and
> would probably not be accepted by GNU people."
Why not make it free in all meanings of the word?
-- Lars Luthman - please encrypt any email sent to me if possible PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x04C77E2E Fingerprint: FCA7 C790 19B9 322D EB7A E1B3 4371 4650 04C7 7E2E
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