On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 17:29 -0200, glauber alex dias prado wrote:
> Hi dear list, i am out of ideas, the error is follow: "jackd: symbol
> lookup error: jackd: undefined symbol: jack_tmpdir" when i try to call
> jack simply as /jackd -dalsa i dont know what to do, im on a gentoo box
> amd64 arch, and jack always worked before, ive noticed this one week
> ago, and tried uninstalling jack reemerge it and with a lot of different
> versions, my fstab line entry regarding tmpfs is as follows:
> "none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0"
Sounds like you have multiple versions of jack installed. Probably one
in /usr/local/ (self-built, i assume) and one from a distro in /usr/.
If this is the case, I recommend that you remove the version
in /usr/local and recompile jackd after running ./configure
--prefix=/usr (and any other options you want to use)
Oh, uninstalling is easiest via running "make uninstall" as root from
the jack source directory you installed it from originally. You just
need to do that before selecting a different prefix with "configure".
> any help is pretty much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance, Glauber Alex Dias Prado.
Received on Sun Nov 26 12:15:01 2006
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