Hi Hartmut,
On Wednesday 29 November 2006 12:43, Hartmut Noack wrote:
> Robert Jonsson schrieb:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > It's that time of year again, I feel like trying to push the word about
> > MusE some...
> >
> > Any particular reason why you'd find MusE to be a bad solution for this?
> >
> > Being a MusE developer and long time user, I'm merely asking as to
> > understand what other users lack in MusE that we might fix to make it
> > better (apart from mediocre publicity...).
> I can understand, that many people prefer Rosegarden as the all-in-one
> big colorfull intuitive Sequencersuite for Linux. The Scoreeditor is a
> strong point for many and the builtin synths in Muse are no match for
> the stuff that RG makes available via dssi (though simpledrums is a very
> strong point for muse since there is no such app for dssi that i know of).
Just to let you know, DSSI support is coming in 1.0, which will be out ...
when it's ready ;)
> Still I prefer Muse. Since I dont write score, the lack of the editor is
> no problem for me and the Matrixeditor in RG could be the same as good
> as the one in Muse but it is not since its predefined settings are
> unusable for me and everytime, I call it I have to set it manually - the
> presetting of the Matrixeditor in Muse is much more configurable and
> more reasonable for me. Setting an instrument for a track is also much
> easyer in Muse, since you can chose them by their own names instead of
> the kryptic generic names, RG is offering ("Software Midi Instrument #
> etc ")
> Plus: Muse has at least some rudimentary features for Waveediting while
> RG has only a mere Waveplayer Since you cannot do a vertical resize in
> RG, it is more or less unusable for exact cuts in Wavetracks. Muse can
> do that much better though it is of course far from being very good at
> that also.
> There are more small things such as the way to define a loop, that I
> very much prefer in Muse...
> Since the thread is about editing/recording Midi to send it to
> soundgenerators i do not think, it is hijacking, if the pros and cons of
> Midieditors are discussed herein :-)
-- http://spamatica.se/musicsite/Received on Thu Nov 30 00:15:07 2006
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