This device may be convenient, but I don't like the idea of one piece
of equipment acting as the mic, the preamp and the ADC all at once.
For instance, you may some day want to sample at greater than 44100 Hz,
at which point you will have to replace the mic and preamp along with
the ADC. If you had a good sound card and mic preamp, then you would
be free to try any mic that you came across with your equipment. You
can also upgrade individual week links in your signal path as your
appetite for fidelity increases. If this mic has a noisy preamp, you
are stuck with bad or nothing.
Atte André Jensen wrote:
> Hi
> I just recieved the monthly magazine from my musicstore and found an
> interesting microphone in sE Electronics usb2200a. It seems to be a
> studio condenser mic with build-in usb 2.0 interface.
> Anyone...
> 1) ...tried this with linux, and has any successes or failures to report?
> 2) ...has heard and can comment on the sound of the non-usb version
> sE2200A?
> If the store actually has it in stock, I think I might bring my laptop
> friday and see if I can get it working...
Received on Fri Dec 1 04:15:04 2006
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