On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 17:25 +0100, Ketil Thorgersen wrote:
> This seem to me a very strange post! Why this frustration! Here this guy
> is actually trying to improve what he (and probably others) figures is a
> problem within the world of linux. So he begins to write a program to
> fix it instead of moaning about it. And then he announces it - only to
> get bashed by one of the key figures in the linux audio world. Strange!
considering pauls previous posts and his decision to close down his
website, i attest a severely low serotonine level, which causes a
perception that i like to call the dark glasses (they filter out
positive aspects), resulting in a depressive mood that is caused by
observations made through these dark glasses.
IANAD, however i recommend ingestion of spirit-lifting substances, may
it be through consummation of literature, music or movie material, or,
at severe cases, through meditation or intoxication with chemicals of
psychedelic nature - whatever preferred and felt to be helpful. taking a
long walk without any special goal in mind also helps to clear the
if my diagnosis happens to be wrong and nonetheless, paul feels balanced
and at peace with the world, i suggest changing the writing style, so
that a serious, perhaps depressing statement is being followed by a
humorous, uplifting one. this way everybody will feel contempt and
understand that things are being taken care of... by somebody else.
no wait, that came out all wrong!
i can't remember a single case in history where bitching and moaning had
motivated and inspired others to do something creative except bitch and
moan more creatively. however, i loathe VST with full intensity, mostly
because it's a shitty implementation. i expect nothing of importance
coming through these channels, and even if it did, i suppose it will
suck a lot. and if it doesn't suck: great for them! i did not change
platforms to have the golden cage follow me.
LV2 is to VST what the boston tea party was to the british empire. we
have the technologies and the interfaces, now go clone that win32/osx
portfolio some more. there is no cheap shortcut such as sneaking vst
emulation through the back door. you have your own country, you have
your own infrastructure. pwn them bitches, and then pwn them some more.
keep it 31337,
-- Leonard Ritter -- Freelance Art & Logic -- http://www.leonard-ritter.comReceived on Mon Feb 26 20:15:09 2007
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