Hi dp
thank you for your postings, I read them and I'm happy that you take me as a
serious dialogue mate ;)
I'm aware that there a many differences and mixings and not only black and
white. And i see that there is more then this list in the linux audio world.
But i often read here words like "VST must die" or very strange postings from
the gurus of audiolinux...
i try to complete the picture, but it is a dynamic process, changes all the
> Michael Bohle wrote:
> >Please read the website and the comments from Lucio, he made an article
> > about this discussion and he pleased me not to make an ANN in this list
> > about his apps anymore.
> >
> >See http://www.anticore.org/jucetice/index.php?entry=entry070226-191811
> Well, that is a remarkably short-sighted response. And it is hardly an
> "article" about this discussion.
> OTOH I don't demand that Lucio or any other developer explain himself.
> >I see clearly...
> Forgive me, but no, you do not, any more than Lucio does. You've reduced
> a complicated state of affairs to an "us vs. them" scenario. Are you
> reading my responses ? Do you understand that there is a considerable
> middle ground between the polarities of open and closed source ?
> There are other developers of Linux audio software who are not active on
> LAD or LAU. Interestingly their user-communities are also cut off from
> these lists, i.e. there's no communication with the larger world of
> Linux audio development. I do not consider that a "good thing", but
> again it's a matter of choices, and if those users are happy with the
> situation, then more power to them.
> Best,
> dp
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