On Thursday 01 March 2007 17:03, Atte André Jensen wrote:
> I completely abandoned composing at the computer for exactly
> that reason. I find it quicker to experiment with everything
> from melody, harmony, lyrics, modulations to form when at the
> piano. Also I found that I only make good tunes when playing
> and *singing* along.
I do most of my composing when I'm driving nowadays.... it must
be the only time when my brain's able to disengage and let the
melodies out. But sometimes I compose while sitting at the
piano or with a guitar or bass on my lap.
I can't recall a time when I've been able to compose anything in
a computer program, but that was my ex's preferred modus
operandi. He was one of those guys who would rather write sheet
music and learn to play it than just sit down and play. And
some of it was actually kinda good, in that sort of Philip
Glass, modern classical way.
Received on Fri Mar 2 04:15:05 2007
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