I'm sorry but I don't really know. As I said earlier I set up my
HDSP 9652 - not a Digiface or Multiface - the plain card - probably 3
or more years ago. I'm not even sure that the Multiface firmware
revision numbers match the HDSP 9652 numbers so I'd not want to tell
you one thing and have it break your card.
When I first got my card it had firmware that was supported by
Linux. Somewhere along the way I upgraded under Windows, found the
problem in Linux and had to downgrade under Windows to get Linux it
working again.
I worked alot with Thomas Charbonell to help get hdspmixer &
hdspconf working. I gave Thomas an account on my system. He was in
France at the time but did some of the development logged into my
machine here in California. He'd make changes from while I sat by the
computer. I'd then run the new version and report back to him by chat
session what the program did. We eventually got things working.
The only reason I report all that is to say that since hdspmixer
started working I've never touched my firmware again. I'm slightly
disappointed that I cannot upgrade as this stops me from using new
drivers supplied by RME for Windows. Disappointing but not the end of
the world.
Wish I could help mire.
Good luck,
On 3/11/07, Dragan Noveski <perodog@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> > On 3/10/07, Bibulus <bibulus@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > <SNIP>
> >>
> >> I have exactly the same problem.
> >>
> >> So I think that a firmware downgrade will solve it.
> >>
> >> Once again: who know how to downgrade a RME HDSP 9632? And who can send
> >> me a old firmware version?
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Bye
> >
> > For an upgrade or downgrade you have to run the executable "firmware
> > update" program from the RME site. This MUST be run in Windows. Do NOT
> > try it under any form of Linux, Wine or DOS in Linux, etc. It won't
> > work.
> >
> > I doubt I have the file anymore. The best bet is the RME driver
> > archive directory.
> >
> > http://www.rme-audio.com/english/download/drivers_archive.htm
> >
> > I'm not sure what they are supplying here anymore. It's been too long
> > since I've looked. If required I could reboot into Windows and
> > possibly check versions tomorrow. Unfortunately hdspconf under Linux
> > doesn't list the installed firmware version like the Windows version
> > does.
> >
> > If the right version doesn't show up on that page you should write RME
> > support and ask them for a copy of the HDSP firmware update program
> > circa 2004 or 2005. Let them know you are running Linux. I'm sure they
> > can help you get the right version.
> >
> > Note that I haven't touched firmware in a few years as there is no
> > support for any Alsa developer to support these cards and the new
> > firmware. Disappointing, yes, but the cards work very well under Linux
> > with the right version installed.
> >
> > Good luck and I hope this helps,
> > Mark
> >
> hi mark,
> just to make sure that i understand:
> i am running a multiface very well here and don't know which firmware is
> flashed in.
> but there is 1: firmware which is flashed into the card
> 2: the firmware drivers from alsa, on my system still
> the old demudi package, sth. like 1.09..
> so if i update the firmware drivers to 1.0.13 i should not expect breakage?
> do you have a feeling that i am understanding this in right way??
> cheers,
> doc
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