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On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 02:14:35PM +0100, Arnold Krille wrote:
> 2007/3/19, Pieter Palmers <pieterp@email-addr-hidden>:> Is this also true for their
> high-end models? You can configure almost> exactly the same machine as an
> Inspiron, Lattitude or Precision. But the> price tag is seriously
> different. I would expect that there is some> difference to justify the
> price difference?
> Get an ASUS! I did have two of them in a row and both still work(though I
> gave the older to my grandpa when I got the new)...
> And if you think of buying a mac because of its looks, well, its
> moreimportant if it does the job then what it looks like...
Are they available in the USA?
I've heard people rave about ASUS products for years (i.e. wifi stuff) but I don't recall seeing them in shops here.
I suppose I could order them online but the cost might be higher with duties, shipping, etc.
- -ken
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Received on Tue Mar 20 08:15:05 2007
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