On Fri, Apr 06, 2007 at 12:37:28AM -0400, Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> On 4/6/07, Chuck Martin <dsdhpnw02@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> >No equal tempered scale will have any of those ratios, exactly, except
> >for the octave. Just tunings will have some of those ratios, exactly,
> >buy only in certain keys, because it's impossible to have all fifths or
> >all thirds perfect, for example.
> Well, it is impossible if you are using a fixed-pitch instrument.
> With talented singers, it's almost impossible to have any fifth or
> third not perfect.
That's true, but they adjust their pitch subconciously to harmonize with
the other singers.
That brings to mind an interesting thought. With most electronic
keyboards being software-based, it seems it would be a simple matter for
the software to analyze what notes are being played, and adjust the notes
for perfect harmony in the same way those singers do. I wonder if that's
ever been done. Does anyone know?
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Received on Fri Apr 6 12:15:05 2007
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