I have three of the Samsung YP-mumbles. They are the 512Mb
ones from a few years ago, and I got them for christmas
presents last year (or the year before, I forget). They
work exactly like this. They look like disk drives, like
usb memory sticks. There may be some restrictions as far
as how deeply you can nest folders, but for what I did
just copying .ogg files plays fine. .mp3 files work as
well, as you would imagine.
Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> Hello. Recently we had discussion on the mp3 players.
> Samsung YP-U2RZB player (70 euros) supports formats mp3, wma,
> ogg, wav, asf. The ogg must be the ogg vorbis etc format.
> What will happen if the player is plugged to Linux computer?
> Could I just copy the ogg files to player's disk
> ("cp *.ogg /mnt/player/") and all would work perfectly?
> Juhana
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Received on Fri Apr 13 00:15:09 2007
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