On 4/21/07, Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 22:07 -0500, Reuben Martin wrote:
> > I helping a friend out who wants to put together a linux / ardour setup.
> >
> > However, the sound device he origionally suggested was RME's Fireface,
> > which is a no-go.
> >
> > I'm having trouble finding a device with similar specs. Does anybody
> > have any suggestions on devices that work with linux (alsa or freebob)
> > that can handle the 192k sample rate, have at least 8 analog line
> > level inputs (not concerned about preamps) and are in the same price
> > range?
> >
> > There are lots of nice units out there, but finding something that can
> > handle 192k kinda reduces the selection really quickly.
> it will reduce your disk space even more rapidly, for no benefit that
> has EVER been demonstrated in a double blind test. oh, it will also
> increase the CPU load making super low latencies harder to achieve (and
> perhaps impossible to achieve) until processor speeds increase 4 fold.
Thanks. That comment comming from you gives more weight when I try to
explain that 192k isn't really all it's cracked up to be by the
marketing and sales dweebs.
Thanks to everybody for the suggestions, it looks like we are
currently leaning towards using the Lynx Aurora 16 paired up with the
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