Knew you wouldn't regret it :)
I need to build a portable headphone amp so I can wear these in public
and look like mickey mouse.
On 5/8/07, Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Tue, 1 May 2007 03:08:37 +0400
> Andrew Gaydenko <a@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Well after all, I decided to buy these on Friday, expecting them to
> arrive today. To my utter astonishment the postman was knocking on the
> door early Saturday morning!
> I must say I am very pleased with them. They are very comfortable, with
> a good strong, but clean bass response, something I am quite unused to
> with headphones.
> In order to 'acclimatise' me ears, and check long term comfort, I
> listened to quite a few commercial CDs of songs I know well. The overall
> clarity was good, maybe too good. I hadn't realised just how many flaws
> there are in 'professionally' produced media. There was me trying to
> get rid of just one click in a track of my own work and some these had
> nests of them :(
> A final surprise was that they perform really well with a little battery
> operated headphone amp I made years ago. This runs on a PP3 battery,
> but the phones were sensitive enough to really blast my lug 'oles if I
> wanted to with out any sign of stress.
> --
> Will J G
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Received on Wed May 9 04:15:06 2007
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