Am Freitag, 7. September 2007 schrieb Leslie P. Polzer:
> I'm going to move to a new home and want to replace my crummy old setup,
> which consisted of a very old stereo amp and a collection of assorted
> speakers.
> I would like to do the following:
> * listen to music all over the room (so this probably disqualifies a 5.1
> setup?)
> * do semi-professional audio (voice recordings, singing, guitar, synth
> with MIDI keyboard)
> * watch a movie every now and then. That's not really important, though.
> Is that enough for you to hand me some advice on what to get?
I bought the Alesis M1 Active MKII about two years ago for exactly the same
usage. They are still 333€ on
For surround in movies I also connect my old amp and 2.1 speakers for the rear
channels (if I fix the cabling after the last move)...
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