On Friday 07 September 2007 03:37:51 Johannes Mario Ringheim wrote:
> Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
> > I would like to do the following:
> >
> > * listen to music all over the room (so this probably disqualifies a
> > 5.1 setup?)
> >
> > * do semi-professional audio (voice recordings, singing, guitar, synth
> > with MIDI keyboard)
> >
> > * watch a movie every now and then. That's not really important,
> > though.
> >
> > Is that enough for you to hand me some advice on what to get?
> You're not specifying the price range. However, I'm very happy with my
> KRK Rokit 6 active speakers, and I've heard that many others are happy
> with them too. They're about £450 in Norway.
> If you double that amount, you could go for the more expensive line of
> KRKs, you could take a look at the KRK V6. Other than that I've heard
> good things about DynAudio active speakers. If you really wanna blow
> your wallet you could consider the PMC Transmissionline speakers. They
> also come with or without built-in (pluggable) power amps, so you can
> deceide if they should be active or not.
> To me I prefer active speakers because:
> - They're more "heavy duty" than typical HiFi, and designed to
> withstand more harm than HiFi. At least it's supposed to be like that.
> - You get two seperate power amps. Don't tell me that one integrated
> stereo power amp is better. Highend HiFi amps often are built as two
> seperate amps, even with seperate trafos. This is a good design wich you
> get (much cheaper) with active speakers.
> - They usually have balanced inputs. Phono cables are crap. Period.
> - It's more practical in use with a computer than a HiFi is.
> - You can buy more speakers if you wish to make a 5.1, 6.1, 7.1 or
> even 10.2 setup.
> Linkz:
First a good dealer that knows the business, is one you can trust and has it
check out the Samson's, several nearfield speaker sizes and choices of {
silk / titanium / ribbon } tweeters. and engineered woofer. Ribbons seem to
be the cutting edge. Google "Jay Rose" a audio engineers engineer. A firewire
audio breakout box to handle the bandwidth. Proper cabling.
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