Am Freitag, 7. September 2007 schrieb Frank Barknecht:
> Leslie P. Polzer hat gesagt: // Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
> > > Actually the internal amps are _way_ better:
> > Alright, I'm _so_ convinced now of the benefits of internal amps. ;)
> > > If you want something cheaper than the Alesis (which are pretty good
> > > and even superb in the price/benefit-scale), you can take a look at
> > > Edirols speakers.
> > The Edirols *look* good. Do you know how they differ from Alesis'
> > speakers? I guess their behaviour is not that strictly linear, but I
> > could live with that. Anything else?
I only know one guy who has them and he lives far away and I didn't hear them.
But the ones I saw with him are rather small and for low frequencies you need
big membranes and lots of air to be moved. So the bigger the speaker the
lower the frequencies supported. And with some small speakers half the height
of your 17" screen you can't expect much...
> One thing to keep in mind with active speakers budgetwise is, that you
> also need something to control their volume. Either use a small mixing
> desk like the Samson MDR6 or the Soundcraft Compact4 (which is very
> nice!) or one of the smaller "volume knob" thingies like the C-control
> by (again, sorry) Samson.
I had a look at the C-Control too and would have bought it (on ebay) but there
also was an auction where I got a MAM-line-mixer for <25€ and that is doing
its duty here now. Even my wife got used to it. :-)
But such a thing is important. One could argue that you don't need one with an
external (hifi-)amp but a small mixer lets you use different sources at the
same time or offers ways of monitoring, talk-back and the like (in the case
of the C-Control or its behringer-pendant).
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