Bengt Gördén wrote:
> tisdag 18 september 2007 09:54 skrev Clemens Ladisch:
> > > Note on for Acoustic Bass Drum with velocity 0
> >
> > Velocity 0 actually means note off.
> Yes. I followed some links and found out that it's normal to do that instead
> of note off. Do you know if note off and note on velocity 0 behave
> differently according to specs or is it just up to the implementation?
Note-on with velocity zero should use a default release velocity (64),
but the vast majority of devices just ignores release velocity anyway,
so there isn't any difference.
The special case of velocity zero was intended to allow for running
status when sending consecutive note-on and -off messages, but it seems
your device doesn't use running status; with running status, the bytes
sent would have been C9 00 99 23 7F 23 00.
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Received on Tue Sep 18 20:15:01 2007
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