Re: [LAU] A virtual LAU chillout band

From: Josh Lawrence <hardbop200@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Nov 14 2007 - 07:03:41 EET

On Nov 13, 2007 10:48 PM, Rob <lau@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I always envisioned just having all the tracks out there, and having
> any contributor able to make a mix (in EDL form) from whichever
> source tracks he or she likes.
> Rob

maybe I'm missing the boat, but I assumed something like what I am
understanding you to say, Rob. that is, I come up with a musical idea
of some sort - maybe a song, maybe a riff or beat, and I post it. you
grab it and add whatever the hell you like, and you post it up. maybe
you finish the song out. maybe someone else grabs the track and only
adds guitar.

...hmm, now that I type this out, it seems a little disorganized.
still, what do we do if a track is dumped out there, and multiple
instrumentalists want a chance at it? I know Restivo and I will be
fighting over who gets to play the rhodes parts. :)

Josh Lawrence
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Nov 14 08:15:02 2007

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