Mark Knecht wrote:
> Keeping the audio at maximum values as far as you can through the
> audio chain is best for signal-to-noise, etc., and the audio at the
> start of your pipe is doing that. EQing is now a subjective step you
> are adding, presumably for good reason. To do this you cut the other
> EQ bands so as to allow the band you want to be more promenent to come
> through. You might just do this with a volume control at the front end
> of your EQ unit, or you might adjust each of the unwanted bands. The
> two options may have different sonic characteristics. Play with it and
> hear for yourself.
Right. The question now is how do I control the overall volume? Is there
anything in the header which says how loud the track is? Not that that
will help here- I think my only option is to tell the mplayer at the end
of the pipe to turn it up a bit.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 17 16:15:11 2008
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