Re: [LAU] Making great guitar sounds on GNU/Linux

From: Darren Landrum <darren.landrum@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon May 12 2008 - 23:44:42 EEST

Joshua Boyd wrote:
>> If I use my amp's preamp to colour my tone before going to the interface,
>> will the signal coming from the preamp out be high impedance or low
>> impedance (line). Should I plug the cable into the line level input, guitar
>> (hi-z) input or the insert jack (since it has already been preamplified).
> I would use the line in. I would only use the insert jack if I was
> actually using it as a loop, unless I knew it was OK to do otherwise.

And yes, if you go preamp out from the Fender, do NOT use the DI input.
Use a regular line input. I can't believe I forgot that.

-- Darren Landrum
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue May 13 04:15:14 2008

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