Re: [LAU] sourcing TI FireWire PCMCIA cards

From: Dmitry Baikov <dsbaikov@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Aug 20 2008 - 15:13:51 EEST

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Pieter Palmers <pieterp@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Please note that the saffire pro does not have a full-blown matrix
> mixer. So it will not do what you want to do.
> The only devices I know that have this functionality are the MOTU
> interfaces, the PreSonus FireStudio and AFAIK the M-Audio Pro-26.

It is not a FW interface, but RME HDSP line has full-blown matrix mixer, and
Multiface supports disconnected operation (never tried it, though).

Btw, I also thought it is a good and modern idea to mix synths with
multichannel cards,
but now came to a conclusion, that good old mixer with several
subgroups and sends
is a much more convenient, user-friendly and problem-proof solution.
And it works without computer as well :)

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Received on Wed Aug 20 16:15:02 2008

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