Hello Hydrogeners!
I just tried to use hydrogenplayer, only to see, that in the hydrogen-player
svn branch, this application seems to require and X server as well as hydrogen
itself. Isn't there any purely textbased hydrogen-app? I mean a loader for a
kit would suffice for quite a while. I simply want to connect hydrogen to my
MIDI keyboard and JACK output and then drum on as I please. Something like:
hydrogenlive my_kit.h2drumkit
hydrogenlive drumkit.xml
Powering up as many JACK ports as needed and an ALLSA Sequencer MIDI-in.
Does anyone of you probably already have such a thing, for testing kits or
something like that? I'd be much obliged.
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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Received on Sun Nov 1 20:15:04 2009
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