On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 10:11:46PM -0600, Josh Lawrence wrote:
> Hey List,
> It's my best friend and drummer's birthday tomorrow, and he loves the
> Victor Young ballad My Foolish Heart, so I recorded it for him.
> It's a very humble (read: poor) version of what Bill Evans did. Fans
> of Evans will note that I dared not attempt the first part of the tune
> in A with a modulation to Bb, I just stayed in Bb for the whole ride.
> (Atte I hear you now - "Cheater!!!" :)
> I'll spare you the blogspam this time, as most of the post is just
> words about my friend.
> Actual Link:
> http://www.hardbop200.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/my-foolish-heart.ogg
> Recorded in Ardour and literally saturated with reverb from the Calf
> Plugins. I hope you enjoy!
Yeah!!! Damn that's gorgeous.
Can't go wrong with Bill Evans. He's like the holy grail of jazz piano. Those chords are so beautiful. Very nice interpretation.
Is that your Roland piano? I'd love to hear it with the Steinway Old Lady Gigasample.
As for hitting the piano hard, whenever I did that, the teacher I've been studying with would wince and look hurt, and sadly look at me and say, "Why you mad at the piano?". I'd laugh, but if I kept doing it, he'd say "Stop! You're hurting her!", and he wasn't really kidding either. So, yeah, lighter touch is what I'm trying to learn too.
He's a huge Bill Evans fan, and his whole thing is touch and "temperament"-- or even, consistent velocity. He'd play a scale, and I'd look at it with aseqdump, and it was like the standard deviation of his velocity was like 5. A whole row of notes between 65 and 70 velocity, or whatever range he wanted to put it in. Incredible control.
Speaking of Bill Evans:
Youtube's got some great stuff.
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