(Oops, got caught by the reply-goes-to-sender "feature" of this list.)
On 01/12/2009, Gwenhwyfaer <gwenhwyfaer@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On 01/12/2009, robert lazarski <robertlazarski@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Actually I'm not sure the M3M is a rack or an expansion - do some
>> research before buying one. Anyways, some type of M3 option should get
>> what you looking for at an imho reasonable price.
> I think that the way Korg have done the M3 range, they basically
> combine the M3-M with various keyboards; so if you buy the M3M you get
> exactly the same module, just without a keyboard. Could be wrong,
> though.
> On the other hand, the KARMA software is available for the Korg M50
> too (and the Triton: http://www.karma-lab.com/ ) but it needs Windows
> or a Mac; and the price of a new M50-61 and KARMA is a good $400 less
> than the M3-M.
In fact, perhaps the cheapest way to get hold of KARMA technology is
KARMA for Triton and a secondhand Triton LE - shouldn't be much more
than $500 overall. (Might be worth asking whether it would work with
the PA-50 too, but I wouldn't necessarily hold out much hope.)
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Dec 1 20:15:01 2009
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