Re: [LAU] blvco usage help

From: Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Feb 10 2011 - 11:08:00 EET

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 03:54:13AM +0100, Julien Claassen wrote:
> Hello everyone1
> I'm trying my luck with Fons Adriaensons blvco oscillator LADSPA plugin
> and have come up against more than one problem. I'm using it in csound
> and I can't get anything but a steady tone at 440Hz. The only control
> which has wokred yet is the octave control (control port 0).
> So can anyone help me a little here? Has anyone probably used this
> plugin with csound before? Or can someone give me a helpful hint or two
> about it? I've tried for hours, but nothing going...

IIRC, those oscs are 1V/octave, like the old analog synths. Whereas, many of the other oscs want some kind of linear signal. I don't remember the details though. They work fine in AMS. I vaguely remember there being a LADPSA plugin somewhere that converts from non-1V/octave to 1V/octave too. Might want to try that.

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Received on Thu Feb 10 12:15:02 2011

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