Re: [LAU] Linux programs for creatiing/manipulating sound effects

From: Hartmut Noack <zettberlin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Feb 10 2011 - 11:52:45 EET

Am 09.02.2011 23:16, schrieb Philipp Überbacher:
> Excerpts from Bearcat M. Sandor's message of 2011-02-09 20:49:07 +0100:
>> On 2/9/2011 3:05 AM, Philipp Überbacher wrote:
>>> SND seems to be extremely powerful and flexible but its learning curve
>>> is insane. I just found out that it has a built-in extensive,
>>> half-working, possibly useful help system.
>>> There's SND-ls that aims to make SND usable by mere mortals, but I'm not
>>> sure it achieved this goal yet:
>> I've understood (though not used) ecasound to have a lower learning
>> curve and be just as able as snd. Is that correct?
>> Bearcat M. Sandor
> It's hard to say because it's hard to compare those two programs. SND is
> a completely scriptable graphical audio editor. Ecasound is a DAW
> with a commandline interface and bindings for many programming
> languages. I'm sure both can be used for pretty similar things but their
> goals are different and they both have a rather steep learning curve.

I think, a beginner will find some useful, interesting things in SND,
before the learning curve starts to become very steep. In Fact SND can
be used for many things like granular synthesis, basic filtering or
dynamics before you learn a single command for its scripting language.

But if you really want to control what is going on in SND you will have
to learn the basics of its command line interface.
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