From an Avid email I received today quoting an January article in
ProAudio Review:
"Laid to rest is Pro Tools LE [it will "no longer be developed,"
offers Avid — Ed]. Now there are Pro Tools and Pro Tools HD, and the
gap between the two has narrowed; Pro Tools M-Powered "is still a
current product, which hasn't been updated to v.9," explains Avid."
Seems to me the new Harrison product, and Ardour in general for the
more technically adept new folks potentially coming to Linux, is here
at a good time to address Avid not supporting the entry market as much
as they did (which wasn't much) during a better economy.
I wonder how we could evangelize Linux Audio more effectively to the
outside world?
- Mark
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 1 00:15:01 2011
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