Re: [LAU] "Official" :-) Album Release

From: Len Ovens <len@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Nov 10 2012 - 08:34:17 EET

On Fri, November 9, 2012 1:50 pm, Julien Claassen wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I had put this off for such a long time. so here is "A Year starting
> Now".
> If memory doesn't betray me, you may have heard all of these songs
> already,
> but here they are in one piece and with the general idea, gently holding
> them
> together. You can't really call it a concept.
> You will find short explanations for each piece and downloads in OGG
> and mp3
> format. I hope, that seeing them organised and explained together makes a
> little more sense.
> More shall follow soon.
just so you know the link for the two "the englishman" tracks (ogg and
mp3) both seem to have an extra > in them that show not found when
selected. Love the clav sound though. I think it is one of my favourite KB
sounds. Yes I like the B3 and Wurlitzer electric piano too (though not the
rhodes much), but the clav is like the electric guitar with a sound all
it's own.

I've only listened to the first two and that one so I haven't tested any
others yet (people are trying to sleep around here).

Len Ovens
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Nov 10 12:15:01 2012

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