On Wed, 2013-02-13 at 11:34 -0500, Al Thompson wrote:
> You would LOVE working with an original Oberheim.
I'm very comfortable even with the Oberheim Matrix-1000. When I used
Atari's Cubase, with an integrated editor for the Matrix-1000, it was
similar to an "original" old Oberheim with pots and knobs. Using the
Matrix-1000 with Linux isn't very useful. OTOH, IIRC some presets
already can be controlled without SysEx, but unfortunately the Linux app
for the KORG nanoKONTROL isn't able to save and load settings, so IMO
we've got a lack to use external gear with Linux. Might be something for
Dave's request. My nanoKONTROL is set up to be used with some Yoshimi
sounds, I guess I still have got some empty scenes.
If I would buy an Oberheim, even another Matrix-1000, would depend to
research for survival kits!
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Received on Wed Feb 13 20:15:17 2013
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