Re: [LAU] Dithering - Was: master levels

From: Atte <atte@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 03 2015 - 14:11:31 EET

On 02/03/2015 05:44 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> I don't think that it has to do with the loudness war. How well do you
> chose Linux EQs? Most of them are completely unusable. IMO
> Fons' parametric EQ is ok.

This particular track was recorded on a zoom r24 and mixed in
reaper/wine. So no linux EQ involved :-)

It's not gear, it's not EQ. It's partly a bad recording (of mainly the
drums including a crappy kit), partly my ability as a producer (don't
think I'm *that* bad, though), but mostly a too low gain. I played alot
with the recording I made of the entire chart. To mee it's pretty clear
that the main problem is us being lower than the surrounding tracks.

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Received on Tue Feb 3 16:15:02 2015

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