Hi Rui,
first, thanks a lot for the great pics and vids! I think that my son Yannic
also shot some 1500 pics and a few more videos, so there's more to come. :)
On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Rui Nuno Capela <rui.capela@email-addr-hidden>
> the baron had some glenrodach on the list but sadly they were out of
> stock. and even then they only have tumblers which i find a disgusting
> no-no as for true die hard single malt lovers :)
I'll happily pass that on to Flo from the Baron, so that your wishes can be
fulfilled at the next LAC @ Mainz, whenever that will be. They had a lot of
fun doing the sound night and I think that they did a great job, even
though one of the waitresses had called in ill, so that Flo himself had to
sell drinks at the bar when he wasn't busy doing the setup with the
artists. ;-)
As you might have noticed, there also was a concert next door at the
KulturCafe, but I'm afraid that we pretty much destroyed their business
that night, it seems that most people were at the sound night instead.
Anyway, I hope that everybody enjoyed the entire event, we did what we
could to make it as good as possible. The feedback I got so far was
overwhelmingly positive, and we're all proud that we're part of LAC's
history now!
Greetings from the JGU,
-- Dr. Albert Gr"af Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany Email: aggraef@email-addr-hidden WWW: https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 15 08:15:01 2015
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