On Fri, 17 Jul 2015 20:14:11 +0200, Hendrik wrote:
>My problem is a little different.
>Here's a list of the MIDI Outputs:
>neptun% aconnect -o
>client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]
> 0 'Midi Through Port-0'
>client 129: 'Hydrogen' [type=user]
> 0 'Hydrogen Midi-In'
>client 131: 'yoshimi' [type=user]
> 0 'input '
>These are the ports I can choose from in seq24. The problem is that the
>numbering may change when hydrogen and yoshimi are restarted.
>Therefore some patterns in seq24 may get played via the wrong MIDI
>port. Is there a way to attach hydrogen and yoshimi to a port with a
>fixed number?
I run a2jmidid [1] and at the end of the script aj-snapshot [2], to
connect Qtractor -> Yoshimi. From the file generated and restored by
aj-snapshot [3]. This always works. It's a very old script and I needed
to rewrite it regarding broken backwards compatibility issues :(, but I
had nothing to do regarding the MIDI connection between Qtractor and
two instances of Yoshimi, they still are automatically connected.
[rocketmouse@email-addr-hidden 02song.a]$ grep -n "midid -e"
session/start-session-23 42:a2jmidid -e & sleep 2
[rocketmouse@email-addr-hidden 02song.a]$ grep -n "shot -x"
session/start-session-23 62:aj-snapshot -xr
[rocketmouse@email-addr-hidden 02song.a]$ grep -A5
a2j /mnt/music/quantal/02song.a/share/22.02song.a.ajs <client
<client name="a2j">
<port name="Qtractor [136] (capture): Master">
<connection port="yoshimi:midi in" />
<connection port="yoshimi-01:midi in" />
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