When going direct from guitar to computer you will want to be using the XLR
inputs on the 1010LT, probably with the jumpers in the highest gain
position. The output of an electric guitar is quite low and you are going
to lose even more with the insertion loss through the passive direct box.
I don't think it will drive the RCA jacks in a satisfactory manner.
re using a guitar amp in the chain: I've never had much luck with the
headphone jacks on. If you have a line out or effects send they might be
worth trying instead.
On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 11:06 AM, fred <f.rech@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> ------------------------------
> *De :* "jonetsu@email-addr-hidden"
> Hello all,
> Just got an electric guitar. First time. Now putting on a new set of
> strings.
> Got a 1/4" wire and a passive direct box that's already used for a
> Wavedrum. Got also a small guitar amp with an headphone out jack, as
> an option. The audio card is a M-Audio 1010LT.
> Can I simply take the 1/4" wire from the passive direct box and connect
> it to the guitar ? I believe there's a guitar processing app out there
> called something like rackarrack or such. Does this work through jackd
> as in doing the audio routing using qjackctl ?
> Alternatively if I want the amp's sound and processing, I can simply
> use the amp's headphone out, although I'd like to try the computer
> based only interface and processing.
> Cheers.
> Hi happy Canadian guitarist :)
> IMHO, best chain for the hardware you describe is
> guit>DIbox>1010LT>QjackCtl>Guitarix>QJackCtl>1010LT>guit amp
> if you only want to play guitar with Guitarix FX & modélisation?
> TIP: don't forget to put a hard limiter before Guitarix out, this (very
> nice)
> software (available in french)))) is able to produce very hard
> level...
> HTH, have fun!
> Fred
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