On 10/13/2015 06:58 AM, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Robert Vogel <vogel@ct.metrocast.net
> <mailto:vogel@ct.metrocast.net>> wrote:
> I uploaded a new version of Gmorgan (0.75) to Sourceforge tonight.
> Revised documentation for this version. Find it in the doc folder as
> a pdf or an odt file.
> The display is lighter, so it works on my laptop now.
> Added a print function to the Sequencer screen. It doesn't print. It
> writes a lilypond file,
> so you have to install lilypond, and execute "lilypond filename.ly
> <http://filename.ly>". It doesn't
> do repeat marks, but, aside from that it should be ok. See lilypond
> documentation
> if you have any problems with it.
> Added block chords to harmony choices.
> Did some static checking and cleanup.
> *===== Problem ==========*
> I have removed sample songs that were formerly included.
> Since this is free software, it would be silly for me to take great
> risks delivering it.
> I could use some advice, especially if you are knowledgeable about
> copy write law.
> There are at least a couple of web sites that offer more or less
> complete songbooks with their
> software:
> They have done this free for years without apparent problems.
> See, for example: http://www.mellowood.ca/mma/examples/examples.html
> or, even better, see impro-visor's imaginary book.
> <https://www.cs.hmc.edu/%7Ekeller/jazz/improvisor/ImaginaryBookIndex.html>https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~keller/jazz/improvisor/ImaginaryBookIndex.html
> <https://www.cs.hmc.edu/%7Ekeller/jazz/improvisor/ImaginaryBookIndex.html>
> There is a conversion program in this tarball that converts from
> impro-visor songs to
> gmorgan. I have done the conversion, made modifications that improve
> them (for my ear anyway),
> and would like to include them, but it is not worth it to me to get
> in trouble with the law.
> So how can I make this legal ?
> Write me if you have ideas about this.
> Bob
> The distributed example files for MMA do not contain any melodies
> (expect for some intros which I wrote myself). The files are just chord
> info which create nice accomp. tracks. Up to the user to supply melody.
> So, I don't think I'm stomping on any copyrights.
> It's my understanding that you can't copyright a chord sequence. But, in
> this crazy world ... who knows. And when I get an official letter I'll
> pull what I have and crawl into a hole :)
> But, I'd be worries about posting real song sheets. Even though I do put
> up arrangements for my beginner concert band. I figure that those are
> arrangements copyrighted by me.
> Honestly, I'm not a lawyer. And I don't know shit about any of this.
Don't know nothing 'bout it either, being no lawyer of any sort - but
would maybe use pieces that are in the public domain. Classical music
from J. S. Bach's era, for example. Or even Happy Birthday?
Write your own melodies? Contact the people behind Improvisor and
Mellowood and ask them where/how they got theirs?
Ask folk on the LAU list to contribute melodies?
Finally, I'm confused, MMA does song sheets? I thought it was just a way
of autogenerating accompaniment tracks?????
-- David W. Jones gnome@hawaii.rr.com authenticity, honesty, community http://dancingtreefrog.com _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@lists.linuxaudio.org http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-userReceived on Wed Oct 14 12:15:01 2015
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