[LAU] Guitarix rack as a plugin

From: Philip Yassin <philcm@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 11 2016 - 19:29:27 EET

Hi everyone!

I'm a bit ashamed because the question I'm about to ask have been
answerer already, by Paulo falkTX on IRC some days ago, and I simply
forgot it.
That's why I don't really like IRC: No backlog or chat archive, a
display glitch and you lose information, but I digress.

The idea here is to be treated as a 1st class guitarist citizen when you
want to use Guitarist on a track. Because correct me if I'm wrong, but
for now there are only two routes (wel, and a half) :

  * Standalone. You launch Guitarix, : 1 st class: You load a preset and
  * Plugin: You insert gx* LV2 plugins on your audio track: 2nd class.
    You're left with dozens of colorful-named plugins, some don't play
    well with others (on a sonic sense that is, and that just means they
    work well) trial-and-error, harsh and noisy fiddling and no-pre-sets.

What I want, is to be able to use those musical-artifacts (at least
potentially) wonderful presets
<https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/249>, but in a DAW context.
Just put my "Guitarix" plugin rack in my Qtractor guitar track and have
everything in it. Heck, said plugin could even be headless, I mean not
expose the controls, just use the presets... I digress again ; And I
remember a workaround involving Carla, but I wasn't around my machine at
the time...

Is there currently a solution?


Yassin Philip

PS - I'll be at Berlin MiniLAC! Sure can't wait to see (and I guess
mostly hear :p) you guys :)

Philippe "xaccrocheur" Yassin
http://bitbucket.org/xaccrocheur / https://github.com/xaccrocheur

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Received on Fri Mar 11 20:15:05 2016

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