> so it seems that, on bar 2, it strangely converts 3/4 time-signature
> into a
> plain 4/4 ?
> can you do some other time-sig changes and please try to find a bug
> pattern?
> would really appreciate.
> cheers
Actually, Rui, it's the other way around. Measures 2 and 3 were
changed from a plain 4/4 to 3/4, the same time signature as the first
measure. Sometimes it changes all the measures to 3/4. Sometimes it
changes all the measures to 5/4. When i made the screen shots, i was
playing qtractor in loop mode with no midi connections. i went to the
list and saw your second message and post script. i can't get to any
debugging until tomorrow. Hopefully, i'll notice something useful.
Thank you, again!
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Received on Fri Jun 24 04:15:01 2016
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