On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 00:15:19 +0200 (CEST)
Ffanci Silvain <silvain@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> jonetsu@email-addr-hidden, Jun 26 2016:
> >
> > This one has a slight jazzy feel to it. An improvisation.
> >
> > https://soundcloud.com/nominal6/jam15
> Hey hey,
> this is very lovely! Much more open and alive than one or two of your
> earlier ones. The balance also seems very well adjusted. This song
> really breathes. It was also very nice to read all the facts about
> the used sound sources and production. Thank you very much! Please go
> on sharng! ...
Vielen Dank !
At one point while adjusting the EQ on the stereo bus and sweeping some
frequencies I noticed an 'opening' regarding the cymbals of the drum
track and this brought a good difference for the whole piece. I will
make it a point to try to find first which element in a mix can be
susceptible for giving an 'opening' and, trying to bring it out. I
have the impression that this is suitable even for the most sombre of
pieces. To have this opening. If there is no sound component that can
give it, then there should be one added, I find.
Speaking of sound sources, yesterday I spent some time improvising at
the keyboard without recording, just playing and going trough some of
the Pianoteq electric piano sounds. Then I tried the vibraphone demo.
I was so moved by the sound. I am sometimes moved by what is being
created/improvised but this time for this one it was much more. I got
the sound bank and I haven't played it since then: I keep it on some
altar where only angels and such can contemplate :)
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Received on Mon Jun 27 04:15:02 2016
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