Re: [LAU] Secret (for a song)

From: Roger <gurusonic@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Aug 13 2016 - 05:12:30 EEST

On 13/08/16 04:58, Philip Yassin wrote:
> Hi list!
> Here is my new song: Secret
> <>. This morning the
> SoundCould announcement was retweeted by none other than Sir Stan
> and considering that I basically decided to become a musician while
> loop-listening to "Call of the West" back in 1982, there's an
> undeniable sense of accomplishment here, so don't kill my buzz ;)
> This is the 9th song in my "Faux Frogs" album
> <>,
> one more to go (she's been almost ready for months now)
> PS - if more and more people keep telling me that the lead voice is
> too low, I'm going to be forced to do something about it. The problem
> is that this very vocal take is a bit crappy (I just don't sing it
> really good) and if I crank it even a notch, this will show :|
> PPS - Everything goes into an IR modeled Lexicon 480L (using
> Klangfalter) <> and boy, I
> feel rich :)
> PPS - My new album is almost ready, greetings from the studio!
I love this one! One of my favourites of the ones I've heard from you,
and in the top few I've heard posted on the list.
I don't think the vocals are too low and the vocal performance sounds
good to me. I'm listening on Adam A5X though which have great vocal
range. It may sound a little quieter on a car stereo or those crappy
Beats headphones, but it's an artistic decision in my opinion and not a
technical one. Listen to Stone Roses "Fool's Gold" to hear how this
approach can work well - or
even more extreme, My Bloody Valentine's "Soon" -

The Lexicon reverbs are beautiful. I fondly remember using a 224XL back
in the 80s. Must get Klangfalter when I finally get my home studio back

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Received on Sat Aug 13 08:15:02 2016

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