On 09/07/16 13:48, Tweed wrote:
> On 09/07/16 12:06, bricolodu wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thank you for the answers, I was feeling a little bit alone !
>> Well, Chris, Let me try to answer, It is a kind of a challenge to work with
>> a 2" speaker and try to get bass, that is why I tried it.
>> May be you are right I will never succeed. But Bose SoundLink mini is not so
>> bad at this game.
>> It is one of the only Bose mass market product that is musical.
>> My challenge is to have a better system, I don't think I have succeeded yet,
>> although I don't have a Bose Soundlink mini to compare with.
>> Ok, that said, after a little time spent with the settings, I'm just able to
>> have more Boom Boom like a bad sono from the 80's. I could decrease the
>> settings though.
>> I recognised that I hoped for something else...
>> By the way according to the box my 2" speaker is in, without any settings, I
>> can go down to less than 60 Hz ! But then, the size of the box is too big,
>> around 5L and I want 0.5L !
>> Now,there is something I didn't understand in your point:
>> /you are trying to give the impression of more bass by adding
>> distortion? / YES
>> /I think that trick works best when the speaker system can get down to
>> within one octave of full bass response, so down to below 80Hz for sure, /
>> It is the case with the 5L box, I can even listen to 30 Hz although
>> attenuated !
>> /and you have to be careful to not apply enough distortion that everything
>> sounds worse./ Right, just boom boom like a sono
>> /You may also need something like a speaker crossover, where
>> only frequencies below the bass cutoff of the speaker system are sent to
>> the distortion circuit,/
>> This is what I'm doing, a low pass that cuts everything above 200 Hz first.
>> /then the output of that goes through a high pass to get rid of the low
>> frequencies which cannot be reproduced by the speaker, / Why ? To lower
>> distortion ? What cut-off Frequency ? It will be very limited if I use the
>> 0.5L box, the natural cutoff frequency of the box is around 150 Hz.
>> /and the harmonics added back in to the original source to create the
>> illusion. /
>> This is what I'm doing.
>> Fons,
>> /It's not clear what the OP wants to do: /
>> /1. Create the impression of more bass by generating harmonics of the
>> bass signals that the speaker can't reproduce, or
>> / YES
>> /2. Create a new bass signal one octave below the original one.
>> NO, that is not what I'm trying to achieve.
>> The latter would be pointless when using a 2" speaker./
>> /The first can be done in a limited frequency range. If your speaker
>> goes down to 120 Hz or so you can get the impression of lower bass
>> *by generating enough harmonics (both even and odd) of the 50..120Hz
>> range. *If the speaker cuts of at 250 Hz or so then just forget it,
>> it won't work. Some of the people I work with have tried to do this
>> for the tiny speakers used in smartphones, all they got was distortion
>> without more bass. Even in the frequency range where it works it's not
>> an easy effect to get right.
>> /
>> This is the problem, I was searching for aplugin that generate all the
>> harmonics, and I could only generate second harmonic which translate in
>> shifting the signal one octave up, I could not succeed adding second, third,
>> forth, ... harmonics and I have no idea how to do it.
>> My speaker, in the 5L box (the one I'm playing with for this experience
>> before to apply it to the 0.5L box) can reproduce sine wave down to around
>> 60 Hz with some volume (dB). So, I guess, it could be done according to your
>> saying.
>> A little Hope here
>> Thank you for thinking and for your answers/advices.
>> Best regards,
>> Jean
>> --
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> (Sorry meant to send to list)
> Are you trying to generate a resultant? Basically are you trying to
> replace the fundamental (in this case the actual low end) with the
> 'phantom' fundamental generated by adding 2 harmonics above
> (musically, the octave and octave plus 5th above that) to the actual
> fundamental and then somehow removing the actual fundamental?
> --
> www.the-temp-agency.com/lollipop-factory
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oops, correction:
"(musically, the octave and octave plus 5th above that)"
should have read,
"(musically, the octave and octave plus 5th above)"
-- www.the-temp-agency.com/lollipop-factory
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