Re: [LAU] Ardour 4 audio export FLAC questions

From: Alf Haakon Lund <alf@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Sep 11 2016 - 22:48:13 EEST

On 11. sep. 2016 12:16, Bent Bisballe Nyeng wrote:

> My guess is that SoundConverter decimates the sample value or that the
> sample values were decimated during export to wav.
> If you run the 'file' command on each of the FLAC files you'll probably
> see that the one exported from ardour is 24 bit and the one made with
> SoundConverter is 16 bit.

Thank you, that's the case. I asked Ardour to export to a 16-bit FLAC
and the task was performed even more efficient than through
SoundConverter: resulting file is 262 MB.

I assume that for CD quality I won't need 24-bit? As a hobby musician
and radio DJ, will I ever?

> If you export to 24 bit wav or perhaps even float wav from Ardour and
> then run the 'flac --best' command on it yourself how big is the
> resulting file then?

Being satisfied for now to export to 16-bit, I will not bother with this

Thank you very much for your helpful answer!

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Received on Mon Sep 12 00:15:03 2016

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