On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 10:04:59 +0100
Will Godfrey <willgodfrey@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Sep 2016 20:01:57 -1000
> david <gnome@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > I like the multiple windows. It's a very Linux way of doing things.
> > I hate trying to crowd everything into one window where I can't see
> > two different windows of the UI at the same time.
> This is also my preference for almost everything. With most apps I
> keep the 'home' window pinned for all screens and spread the others
> across all four. It makes for a very uncluttered workplace with no
> distractions and everything in context.
I use Linux for both work code development and at home for years and do
not have a single application that has multiple windows, with main
windows to be pinned down while others are opened. Libreoffice has an
option for a floating navigation window but then it can also be
incorporated into the main window.
Of course, I use multiple desktops. I use them since maybe 15 years
now. One console has the email client, another one has Mixbus 32C. A
synth in Mixbus will be moved to its own desktop so that it's easy to
switch between the synth and the DAW. Renoise will be on its own
desktop, Bitwig also, so on so forth.
So I do not see what your "almost everything" would be.
> Whoever thought that a tabbed
> filer window was a good idea can't make much use of them :(
The tabbed options in Zebra2, for one, are certainly very useful and
easy to access.
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Received on Sun Sep 18 20:15:02 2016
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