Hi Chris et al,
Thanks so much... I thought I might be using jack incorrectly... So now
I'm trying to use jack as explained by Chris above. Here's some output:
gibbyj@email-addr-hidden:~/Downloads$ jackd -R -d alsa -d hw:2 -p 128 -n 2
jackd 0.124.2
Copyright 2001-2009 Paul Davis, Stephane Letz, Jack O'Quinn, Torben Hohn
and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
`default' server already active
no message buffer overruns
I am not sure what it means when it says 'default' server already active.
I thought I had stopped the server with qjackctl. When I start it as
above, and then start qjackctl, qjackctl still thinks the server is
stopped. (Kinda wish I had jack2, seems like it has better admin
Here's some more output; there's a jackdbus process; why is that here, I
thought that was jack2?
4611 gibbyj 20 0 813480 76580 56480 S 0.3 1.0 2:08.47
4413 gibbyj 20 0 223540 17504 16136 S 0.3 0.2 1:31.74
4611 gibbyj 20 0 813480 76580 56480 S 0.3 1.0 2:08.48
gibbyj@email-addr-hidden:~/Downloads$ killall jackd
jackd: no process found
gibbyj@email-addr-hidden:~/Downloads$ ps -ef |grep jackd
gibbyj 4413 1 0 Jan17 ? 00:01:31 /usr/bin/jackdbus auto
gibbyj 12590 3958 0 02:12 pts/1 00:00:00 grep jackd
No sound coming out yet with this new approach, I guess b/c I see 32
choices for hw:2 playback and I need to figure out which ones are the right
ones to send the output to. But I think I'm making progress...
On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Chris Caudle <chris@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Tue, January 17, 2017 2:58 am, john gibby wrote:
> >> I'm having trouble setting up Jack to interface between my digital piano
> >> application (pianoteq) and the ecasound audio processing app. I'm using
> >> ecasound with Ladspa plugins to create a crossover network. Ecasound
> >> splits the 2 pianoteq channels into six (woofer, mid & tweeter), and
> >> sends them to my analog outputs through alsa.
> That is a very odd way to use jackd. The usual way is that jackd controls
> the audio interface.
> How do you even configure ecasound to present a jack interface and also
> connect to the ALSA hardware directly? Most software supports using
> either ALSA directly or jack, but not both simultaneously.
> If you want to continue to use ecasound the more typical way would be
> configure jackd to control the output hardware, configure ecasound to use
> jack, and then use whatever connection configuration tool you want (e.g.
> qjackctl or jack_connect) to connect the output of your audio applications
> to the inputs of ecasound, and the outputs of ecasound to the sound card.
> As others pointed out something like zita_lrx might fit into a jack setup
> more easily, but if you already have ecasound configured and ecasound can
> use jack then the setup I describe above might be the easiest way to
> modify what you currently have.
> --
> Chris Caudle
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